Building SWAT

Getting SWAT up and running requires two separate procedures for the Executor (Java) and the Explorer (Python).

Building the Symbolic Executor

The Symbolic Executor (Javaagent) is build using Gradle. To build the agent run:

./gradlew build -x test

This uses the gradle wrapper to build the agent. The -x test option is used to skip the tests. The tests are not skipped by default and cannot be run without the solver. The agent’s .jar file is located in symbolic-executor/build/lib/symbolic-executor.jar directory. Gradle requires a JDK 17 to build the agent. If no installed version is found it will be automatically fetched.

After building the agent, the solver (currently Z3) must be installed. While a manual installation is possible, the easiest way is to use the provided gradle task:

./gradlew copyNativeLibs

A number of common z3 binaries are provided in the libs folder and this step will copy the appropriate one to the libs/java-library-path folder. Consequently, when running the agent, the java.library.path must be set to this folder. Alternatively when installing Z3 manually, the java.library.path must be set to the folder containing the Z3 binary.

To test if the installation was successful, one of the test cases that omits communication with the Symbolic Explorer can be used. Instead of sending the trace data to the Symbolic Explorer, one path is locally selected and solved for. This can be done by running the following command:

./gradlew runI2X

If the following message is printed, the installation was successful:

de/uzl/its/tests/I2X/I2S(I)I :: Inputs: [I_35, -2147483648] -> Solutions: [I_35: -1]

A detailed explanation of the entire output of this and similar test-cases is provided in the Tests section. But generally this output indicates that the agent was able to solve the given path and that the solver was able to find a solution.

Building the Symbolic Explorer

As the Symbolic Explorer is written in Python, it does not require a build process. However, it does require a number of packages to be installed. It is recommended to use a virtual environment to install these packages. To create a virtual environment, run the following command in the folder symbolic-explorer:

python3 -m venv venv

After activating the virtual environment using source venv/bin/activate, the required packages can be installed using pip from the provided requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To test if the installation was successful, one of the examples can be used to see if the communication with the Symbolic Executor works. This can be done by running the following command:

./gradew runBasic1

While, again, the output of this command is explained in the Tests section, a successful installation will print the following message:

[EXPLORER] Found 1 violations
[EXPLORER] Violation: ['STRING_0 = SuperSecretString\\\x80\x81\x82\x83#', 'INT_1 = 22']

This indicates that the symbolic exploration terminated successfully and that the desired violation was found.