Package de.uzl.its.swat.symbolic.instruction

package de.uzl.its.swat.symbolic.instruction
  • Class
    AALOAD - Load reference from array.
    AASTORE - Store into reference array For more information see the Java VM specification.
    ACONST_NULL - Push null.
    ALOAD - Load reference from local variable.
    ANEWARRAY - Create new array of reference.
    ARETURN - Return reference from method.
    ARRAYLENGTH - Get length of array.
    ASTORE -Store reference into local variable.
    ATHROW - Throw exception or error.
    BALOAD - Load byte or boolean from array.
    BASTORE - Store into byte or boolean array.
    BIPUSH - Push byte.
    CALOAD - Load char from array.
    CASTORE - Store into char array.
    CHECKCAST - Check whether object is of given type.
    D2F - Convert double to float.
    D2I - Convert double to int.
    D2F - Convert double to long.
    DADD - Add double.
    DALOAD - Load double from array.
    DASTORE - Store into double array.
    DCMPG - Compare double (greater than).
    DCMPL - Compare double (less than).
    DCONST_0 - Push double (0.0d).
    DCONST_1 - Push double (1.0d).
    DDIV - Divide double.
    DLOAD - Load double from local variable.
    DMUL - Convert double to float.
    DNEG - Negate double.
    DREM - Remainder double.
    DRETURN - Return double from method.
    DSTORE - Store double into local variable.
    DSUB - Subtract double.
    DUP - Duplicate the top operand stack value.
    DUP_X1 - Duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two values down.
    DUP_X2 - Duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two or three values down.
    DUP2 - Duplicate the top one or two operand stack values.
    DUP2_X1 - Duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two or three values down.
    DUP2_X2 - Duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two, three, or four values down.
    F2D - Convert float to double.
    F2I - Convert float to int.
    F2L - Convert float to long.
    FADD - Add float.
    FALOAD - Load float from array.
    FASTORE - Store into float array.
    FCMPG - Compare float (greater than).
    FCMPL - Compare float (less than).
    FCONST_0 - Push float (0.0f).
    FCONST_1 - Push float (1.0f).
    FCONST_2 - Push float (2.0f).
    FDIV - Divide float.
    FLOAD - Load float from local variable.
    FMUL - Multiply float.
    FNEG - Negate float.
    FREM - Remainder float.
    FRETURN - Return float from method.
    FSTORE - Store float into local variable.
    FSUB - Subtract float.
    GETFIELD - Fetch field from object.
    GETSTATIC - Get static field from class.
    GETVALUE_boolean - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_byte - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_char - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_double - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_float - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_int - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_long - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_Object - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_short - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GETVALUE_void - Custom method call handled as an instruction to fetch the concrete value that was produced/ loaded by another instruction.
    GOTO - Branch always.
    I2B - Convert int to byte.
    I2C - Convert int to character.
    I2D - Convert int to double.
    I2F - Convert int to float.
    I2L - Convert int to long.
    I2S - Convert int to short.
    IADD - Add int.
    IALOAD - Load int from array.
    IAND - Boolean AND int.
    IASTORE - Store into int array.
    ICONST_0 - Push int constant (0).
    ICONST_1 - Push int constant (1).
    ICONST_2 - Push int constant (2).
    ICONST_3 - Push int constant (3).
    ICONST_4 - Push int constant (4).
    ICONST_5 - Push int constant (5).
    ICONST_M1 - Push int constant (-1).
    IDIV - Divide int.
    IF_ACMPEQ - Branch if reference comparison succeeds (equals) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IF_ACMPNE - Branch if reference comparison succeeds (not equals) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IF_ICMPEQ - Branch if int comparison succeeds (equals) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IF_ICMPGE - Branch if int comparison succeeds (greater or equals) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IF_ICMPGT - Branch if int comparison succeeds (greater than) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IF_ICMPLE - Branch if int comparison succeeds (less or equals) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IF_ICMPLT - Branch if int comparison succeeds (less than) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IF_ICMPNE - Branch if int comparison succeeds (not equals) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IFEQ - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds (equal) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IFGE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds (greater or equal) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IFGT - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds (greater than) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IFLE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds (less than) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IFLT - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds (less than) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IFNE - Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds (not equal) For more information see the Java VM specification.
    IFNONNULL - Branch if reference not null.
    IFNULL - Branch if reference is null.
    IINC - Increment local variable by constant.
    ILOAD - Load int from local variable.
    IMUL - Multiply int.
    INEG - Negate int.
    INSTANCEOF - Determine if object is of given type.
    Base class for all instructions.
    INVOKEDYNAMIC - Invoke a dynamically-computed call site.
    INVOKEINTERFACE - Invoke interface method.
    INVOKEMETHOD_END - Custom method handled as an instruction to signalize a method end.
    INVOKEMETHOD_EXCEPTION - Custom method handled as an instruction to signalize a method end.
    INVOKESPECIAL - Invoke instance method; direct invocation of instance initialization methods and methods of the current class and its supertypes.
    INVOKESTATIC - Invoke a class (static) method.
    INVOKEVIRTUAL - Invoke instance method; dispatch based on class.
    IOR - Boolean OR int.
    IREM - Remainder int.
    IRETURN - Return int from method.
    ISHL - Shift left int.
    ISHR - Arithmetic shift right int.
    ISTORE - Store int into local variable.
    ISUB - Subtract int.
    IUSHR - Logical shift right int.
    IXOR - Boolean XOR int.
    JSR - Jump subroutine.
    L2D - Convert long to double.
    L2F - Convert long to float.
    L2I - Convert long to int.
    LADD - Add long.
    LALOAD - Load long from array.
    LAND - Boolean AND long.
    LASTORE - Store into long array.
    LCMP - Compare long.
    LCONST_0 - Push long constant (0L).
    LCONST_1 - Push long constant (1L).
    LDC(_double) - Push item from run-time constant pool.
    LDC(_float) - Push item from run-time constant pool.
    LDC(_int) - Push item from run-time constant pool.
    LDC(_long) - Push item from run-time constant pool.
    LDC(_Object) - Push item from run-time constant pool.
    LDC(_String) - Push item from run-time constant pool.
    LDIV - Divide long.
    LLOAD - Load long from local variable.
    LMUL - Multiply long.
    LNEG - Negate long.
    LOOKUPSWITCH - Access jump table by key match and jump.
    LOOP_BEGIN - Custom method call handled as an instruction to detect the beginning of loops.
    LOOP_END - Custom method call handled as an instruction to detect the end of loops.
    LOR - Boolean OR long.
    LREM - Remainder long.
    LRETURN - Return long from method.
    LSHL - Shift left long.
    LSHR - Arithmetic shift right long For more information see the Java VM specification.
    LSTORE - Store long into local variable.
    LSUB - Subtract long.
    LUSHR - Logical shift right long.
    LXOR - Boolean XOR long.
    MAKE_SYMBOLIC - Custom method call handled as an instruction to initiate symbolic tracking of variables.
    MONITORENTER - Enter monitor for object.
    MONITOREXIT - Exit monitor for object.
    MULTIANEWARRAY - Create new multidimensional array.
    NEW - Create new object.
    NEWARRAY - Create new array.
    NOP - Do nothing.
    POP - Pop the top operand stack value.
    POP2 - Pop the top one or two operand stack values.
    PUTFIELD - Set field in object.
    PUTSTATIC - Set static field in class.
    RET - Return from subroutine.
    RETURN - Return void from method.
    SALOAD - Load short from array.
    SASTORE - Store into short array.
    SIPUSH - Push short.
    A special probe instruction added by the instrumentation.
    SWAP - Swap the top two operand stack values.
    TABLESWITCH - Access jump table by index and jump.